Mr. Zhu is the Director of Data Analytics and joined the School of Medicine at Penn in September 2002. He has worked closely with CHIBE leadership, affiliated researchers and research staff on numerous projects through directing the development and execution of analytical activities to support strategic decision making and publishing. He oversees the portfolio of analytical work and engages the analytical team in dynamic activities of data sourcing, data mining, quality assurance and reporting. As the analytics director, Mr. Zhu actively identifies opportunities and solutions to challenging issues of theoretical and clinical importance, and works closely with our analysts and statisticians for delivering the best-in-class reporting and analytics through leveraging the team’s collective expertise in standard and advanced statistical methodologies, as well as innovative tools facilitating data visualization, machine learning, and other data science based algorithms. Mr. Zhu has extensive experience in claims data analysis and randomized clinical trials, who also coauthored a large number of research papers in the field. Mr. Zhu graduated from American University with a MBA degree, and a Master’s degree in Economics from Nankai University, China.