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CHIBE faculty are frequent contributors and sources in the media. Hear what they have to say in some of the latest news reports and blogs.

Patients Hate ‘Forever’ Drugs. Is Wegovy Different?

New York Times
March 24, 2024

Only 35% of People Eligible for Statins Use Them, Study Shows. How Do You Know if You Should Be on Them?

Yahoo! Life
December 19, 2023

Pain Scores, Age Can Help Identify Patients More Likely to Use Few or No Opioids After Surgery

Penn Medicine News
November 15, 2023

Penn Medicine Professor: Level of Needed Opioid Use After a Surgery Can Be Determined by ‘A Patient’s Personal Characteristics’

Patient Daily
November 15, 2023

Physicians Weekly: Bribes Don’t Help Patients Stick with Statins

October 12, 2020

The Philadelphia Inquirer: To Increase Disposal Of Leftover Opioids, Give Parents A Bag Of … Coffee Grounds?

February 7, 2020

Philly Voice: Patients Who Use Online Portals to Access Health Records More Likely to Get Flu Shots, Penn Study Finds

October 10, 2019

The Hamilton Spectator: Anti-Vaxxers ‘Educated Just Well Enough To Make Terrible Decisions For Their Children’

April 22, 2019

Philly Inquirer: Anti-Vaccine Parents Are Often White, College-Educated, ‘Whole Foods Moms’

April 11, 2019

American Medical Association: Doctor’s Career Path Offers Economic Insight on Patient Care

January 16, 2019

Forbes: Paying People To Lower Their Cholesterol Works But Is It Cost-Effective?

September 14, 2018

Strategy + Business: Making Change Contagious

September 13, 2018

ABC News: Can we nudge our way to responsible opioid prescribing?

August 2, 2018

The Washington Post: A quarter of adults with sprained ankles were prescribed opioids in the ER, study shows

July 27, 2018

US News: Sprained Ankle? Opioid Rx More Likely in Some States Than Others

July 26, 2018

The Inquirer: Opioid pills for a simple sprained ankle? It’s a thing in some states, Penn researchers find

July 24, 2018