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Cluster Randomized Pragmatic Clinical Trial Testing Behavioral Economic Implementation Strategies to Improve Tobacco Treatment for Patients With Cancer Who Smoke

Journal of Clinical Oncology

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Brian P. Jenssen, MD, MSHP; Robert Schnoll, PhD; Rinad S. Beidas, PhD; Justin Bekelman , MD; Anna-Marika Bauer, MRA; Sarah Evers-Casey, MPH, CTTS-M; Tierney Fisher, DNP, CRNP; Callie Scott, MSc; Jody Nicoloso, BA, CTTS-M; Peter Gabriel, MD; David A. Asch, MD, MBA; Alison M. Buttenheim, PhD, MBA; Jessica Chen, MBA, CPHIMS, SHIMSS; Julissa Melo, MHI; Dwayne Grant, MS; Michael Horst, PhD, MPHS, MS; Randall Oyer, MD9; Lawrence N. Shulman, MD; Alicia B.W. Clifton, MDP; Adina Lieberman, MPH; Tasnim Salam, MBE, MPH; Katharine A. Rendle, PhD, MSW, MPH,11; Krisda H. Chaiyachati, MD, MPH, MSHP; Rachel C. Shelton, ScD, MPH; Oluwadamilola Fayanju, MD, MA, MPHS; E. Paul Wileyto, PhD; Sue Ware, BS; Daniel Blumenthal, BA; Daniel Ragusano, BS; and Frank T. Leone, MD, MS