Way to Health Featured at CHOP mHealth Project Showcases
Source: CHOP Cornerstone
The CHIBE-developed mobile health platform, Way to Health, was featured in two recent mHealth project showcases held at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. CHOP Cornerstone reports:
“The Way to Health platform made multiple appearances at the mHealth Project Showcase. This Penn-developed technology includes a mobile-friendly web-based platform that automates healthy behavior interventions, leverages remote monitoring technology, and capitalizes on behavioral economics principles. The technology is in use in studies assessing text-message reminders for adherence to asthma medication (tracked via a smart sensor on the inhaler), a study of post-operative walking in adults (tracked with a wearable fitness tracker), and the BE in CONTROL study of glycemic control behaviors of youth with Type 1 diabetes. Way to Health continues to take on new projects and studies and is expanding into the clinical realm.”