NCCN Foundation Awards Shivan Mehta a Grant for Colorectal Cancer Screening Research

Congratulations to Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, MSHP, who has received funding for a research grant that will evaluate choice architecture for colorectal cancer screening outreach at a community health center in Pottstown, PA.
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Foundation’s annual Young Investigator Awards, which is what Dr. Mehta has won, are granted to “top early-career researchers from leading cancer centers seeking tomorrow’s cures.”
“It is an honor to receive this award and to be nominated by the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania,” Dr. Mehta said.
This funding will provide support for a project at a community health center in Pottstown called Community Health & Dental Care.
“We know that colorectal cancer screening remains limited in underserved populations, and there are racial/ethnic disparities in access and outcomes,” he said. “This will allow us to evaluate different ways of offering choice of screening between colonoscopy and stool testing without requiring patients to attend a face-to-face visit.”
“NCCN Foundation Young Investigator Award recipients go on to make incredible contributions to the global oncology community,” said Robert W. Carlson, MD, Chief Executive Officer, NCCN in a press release. “These men and women are among the best of the best up-and-coming cancer researchers, and NCCN is proud to provide a step up on their career journey. Each of these studies represents a critical learning opportunity that can help us save lives and lessen hardships for people with cancer.”