The Washington Post: Before the pandemic, we’d dismiss a scratchy throat. Now, the sniffles can derail plans.
From The Washington Post:
Anxiety and worry about keeping yourself and others safe can be a weighty burden, says Carolyn Cannuscio, a social epidemiologist and director of research at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Public Health Initiatives. Many people may be erring on the side of caution because they want to avoid feeling what Cannuscio calls “anticipatory regret,” or the idea that if you were to cause harm to another person (such as infect them with the coronavirus), you would feel terrible.
So, she says, the question becomes, “What can I do to diffuse that anticipatory regret? And one of the things I can do is to try to share every possible way in which I may be silently carrying SARS-CoV-2.”
One might argue this level of transparency sounds like overthinking or oversharing, or that it seems performative and self-serving. (Plus, who wants to dampen the mood with conversation about symptoms and possible exposures ahead of a fun night out?) But if done with the right motivations and intentions, some people say it’s a piece of pandemic-era etiquette that should remain.
Read the full story in The Washington Post.