Popular Science: Will Pfizer’s FDA approval spell an uptick in COVID vaccination?
From Popular Science:
In a recent poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation, 31 percent of unvaccinated respondents said they’d be more likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine once it had received full approval. However, what people say they’ll do doesn’t always line up with what they ultimately decide to do, says Silvia Saccardo, an assistant professor in the department of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University.
She and her colleagues have studied how texting people reminders to get vaccinated affects their willingness and follow-through. They experimented with several kinds of messages. All of them contained links to appointment scheduling websites. Some texts also included an informational video about the vaccine, which was meant to give them confidence in the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness. Another kind of message, which was sometimes combined with the video, informed recipients that the vaccine had “just been made available for you” and encouraged them to “claim your dose.
Read the full story at Popular Science.