Financial Incentives Increase Long-Term Smoking Cessation Rates, Find CHIBE Investigators
Sources: Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2009; Associated Press, September 10, 2009; Bloomberg, February 11, 2009; USA Today, February 11, 2009; Science News; WebMD, February 11, 2009; Reuters, February 11, 2009; US News & World Report, February 12, 2009; BBC News, February 11, 2009; WSJ Health Blog, february 11, 2009; Los Angeles Times, February 16, 2009; Scientific American, February 11, 2009; Irish Times, February 11, 2009. Also, Listen to a BBC Radio interview about this study with Dr. Kevin Volpp, the study’s lead author, by clicking on this link:podcast.
A large-scale study published in the February 12, 2009 New England Journal of Medicine showed that an incentive worth up to $750 resulted in a tripling in long-term quit rates among 878 employees at General Electric.