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CHIBE Annual Report 2023–2024

EAB and CHIBE leadership members at Rittenhouse hotel

Letter from CHIBE Director Kevin Volpp

CHIBE has seen incredible growth in our family of programs that use behavioral economics insights to tackle areas such as end-of-life care, cardiovascular health, cancer outcomes, food policy and nutrition, global health, economic opportunity, equity, health care analytics, pharmaceutical cost sharing, and more. We are fortunate to be able to contribute to the development of a strong group of complementary programs that is arguably unique among universities in the United States.

I am excited to share that the National Institute on Aging has renewed CHIBE’s “Roybal Center for the next 5 years, providing funding to continue to advance the translation of behavioral economics concepts to improve health. We will conduct cutting edge research, taking results to scale, and will focus in particular on how to avoid the “voltage drop” described by our University of Chicago colleague John List, whereby promising ideas lose efficacy as they move from small-scale pilots to large-scale interventions. We have adopted a few strategies for avoiding voltage drops including:

  1. Being intentional in the creation of research partnerships with organizations that have shared interests and the capability to test ideas in ways that mimic scaled implementation;
  2. Doing a combination of tests of efficacy among those who choose to participate in trials and effectiveness among all to whom a program is offered with a focus on both efficacy and program engagement;
  3. Being as transparent as possible in terms of methodological rigor, methods, and data to ensure successful replication.

Our center will focus on creating and sustaining a robust ecosystem for behavioral science and health research at Penn and beyond and will also lead national and global efforts on the application of behavioral science. We are also moving into new areas such as the testing of dynamic adaptation using artificial intelligence in partnership with the Wharton Health Care Analytics Lab, while our faculty affiliates continue to forge new ground in a variety of areas of great importance to population health.

I have also continued to serve as the Scientific Director for the American Heart Association’s Health Care by Food initiative, a landmark effort to build evidence on what type of Food is Medicine interventions are effective and cost effective in improving health. We have made great progress this year, standing up task forces with dozens of national experts that have provided guidance on common measures, data infrastructure, policy evaluation, and field-based infrastructure. More than $8 million of support has been provided to launch 20 pilot randomized trials, and more than 20 CHIBE affiliates are involved in either project teams or task forces. I am proud of our contributions to this important national effort.

I want to thank our departing external advisory board members Rebekah Gee, Mark Smith, and Karen DeSalvo for their outstanding service while welcoming aboard Amir Dan Rubin, Jim Karkanias, and Avik Roy. I am sad to note the passing of long-time board member Gail Wilensky who served on our board for 13 years including as Vice Chair. She will be greatly missed.

We also extend our thanks to Hoag Levins and Eric Sucar for their photos contained in this report.

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD
Director, CHIBE
Mark V. Pauly President’s Distinguished Professor
Perelman School of Medicine and the Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania

Our Vision: A healthier and more equitable world powered by behavioral economics.

Our Four Focus Areas

Explore Our Research

The Year in Review

Our faculty include affiliates primarily from the University of Pennsylvania but also from universities across the country who work in a number of fields, including medicine, business, economics, psychology, law, nursing, communication, and computer science. 

By the Numbers


CHIBE-authored publications in 2023


Media mentions of our faculty


H-index for CHIBE-authored articles


Affiliated faculty


Years since CHIBE’s founding


X followers


Newsletter subscribers

From Our Top Tweets

Learn about some of our important discoveries this year. 

Research & Publications

Joelle, Dana, Laurie, Harsha, Norma, and Alison attend Health Policy event
Cait describing Approach to Wicked Problem
Two women hugging in an outdoor area at a conference
Close crop of two women in discussion at a conference table, one out of focus

The Year in Impact

CHIBE’s research makes a direct impact in contributing to improving health. This year, our faculty helped boost mammogram screening rates, increased appropriate statin prescribing, advocated for improved chronic care and HIV medication access, and more.

Using Behavioral Science to Increase Mammogram Completion Rates

CHIBE researchers found that behavioral science strategies such as opt-out framing, bulk ordering, text messaging, and self-scheduling significantly increase uptake of breast cancer screening, resulting in thousands of additional patients being appropriately screened.

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using weekly pill containers help patients to adhere to medication schedules

Appropriate Statin Prescribing Soars with Automated Referrals to Pharmacy Service

Members of CHIBE helped create and test a new program using automated referrals to pharmacy services that significantly increased appropriate statin prescribing. Penn Medicine is now funding scaled implementation of this intervention, allowing this research to be translated into practice.

Statin prescribing soars with automated referrals to pharmacies
infographic of prep abandonment

What Would Happen to PrEP Adherence If Out-of-Pocket Costs Rise?

CHIBE Associate Director Dr. Jalpa Doshi and colleagues’ research indicates that recent legal challenges to the provision of PrEP with no cost sharing would likely substantially increase PrEP abandonment and HIV rates.

What would happen to PrEP adherence if out-of-pocket costs rise?

CHIBE hosted several research seminars with the leading minds in behavioral economics, health, and policy. Each year, we also host a team retreat and a symposium to share the latest research and create new connections.

Our faculty lead many initiatives in areas such as food policy, global health, health equity, technology infrastructure, health care payment policy, and more. Learn about our faculty members’ expertise and research interests below.

parity center logo on navy background

Q&A with the Parity Center

This year, CHIBE Associate Director Dr. Amol Navathe launched The Parity Center, an interdisciplinary team of experts working to catalyze reform in health care payment in a way that promotes equitable health care delivery and outcomes.

What is the Parity Center? A Q&A with the Deputy Director

Penn Medicine Nudge Unit

Designing and testing approaches to steer medical decision-making and daily health behaviors toward higher value and improved patient outcomes.

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Advancing the evidence base on food and nutrition policies to support health.

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Way to Health

Blending behavioral science with scalable technology to conduct randomized controlled trials.

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Accelerate Health Equity

Addressing health equity and racism and advancing health through a unified approach.

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Joint Research Practices

Conducting inclusive and anti-racist research that advances the science and practice of health equity.

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Developing behaviorally informed HIV programs in South Africa through a first-of-its kind nudge unit.

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Finding innovative solutions to persistent challenges that limit healthy lifespans globally.

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The HACLab

Administering research projects that involve health care technology, data, and cancer care delivery.

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Behavior Change for Good 

Developing behavior change programs to improve daily decisions about health, education, and savings.

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Opportunity for Health

Identifying and evaluating interventions and policies that can boost opportunity and improve health for all Americans.

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The ASCVD Risk Reduction Initiative

Testing ways to help patients and clinicians lower cardiovascular disease risk using behavioral science and innovation.

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Penn Implementation Science Center in Cancer Control (ISC3)

Applying insights from behavioral economics to accelerate the pace at which evidence-based practices for cancer care are deployed.

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The PAIR Center

Improving the lives of people affected by serious illness and removing the barriers to health equity that seriously ill patients commonly face.

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Wharton Healthcare Analytics Lab

Developing the pioneering algorithmic tools that organizations and governments need to leverage machine learning opportunities to improve healthcare for all.

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Population Health Lab

Evaluating and implementing evidence-based interventions to improve health outcomes at scale.

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CHIBE wishes to congratulate the following faculty and staff for their impressive achievements. These awards showcase CHIBE’s culture of innovation and excellence.

paula chatterjee

Paula Chatterjee, MD, MPH

Junior Investigator Award
Society of Hospital Medicine

Blockley-Osler Teaching Award
Perelman School of Medicine

Kayla Clark

Kayla Clark, MPH

Models of Excellence
University of Pennsylvania

jody cohen headshot

Jordy Cohen, MD, MSCE

Marjorie A. Bowman New Investigator Research Award
Penn Medicine

Erica Dixon, PhD

Named a Health Care Power Player
Metro Philadelphia

alexander fiks

Alexander G. Fiks, MD, MSCE

Samuel Martin Health Evaluation Sciences Research Award
Penn Medicine

Adam Grant, PhD

Recognized on list of most influential management thinkers in the world

kevin mahoney

Kevin Mahoney, MBA

Named one of 150 most influential Philadelphians
Philadelphia Magazine

Named a Health Care Power Player
Metro Philadelphia

Named a 2024 Great Leader in Healthcare
Becker’s Hospital Review

Named to Power 100 List
Philadelphia Business Journal

shivan mehta

Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA

Distinguished Investigator Award for Translation from Proof of Concept to Widespread Clinical Practice
Association for Clinical and Translational Science

Katy Milkman headshot

Katy Milkman, PhD

Recognized on list of most influential management thinkers in the world

ravi parikh

Ravi Parikh, MD, MPP, FACP

2023-2025 Gilbert S. Omenn Fellow
National Academy of Medicine

Matthew Press, MD, MSc

Luigi Mastroianni, Jr. Clinical Innovator Award
Penn Medicine

aaron, lizzie, and harsha

Aaron Richterman, MD, MPH; Lizzie Bair, MS; and Harsha Thirumurthy, PhD

Top 10 Clinical Research Achievement Award
Clinical Research Forum

christina roberto

Christina Roberto, PhD

William Osler Patient Oriented Research Award
Penn Medicine

Marilyn Schapira headshot

Marilyn Schapira, MD, MPH

2024 Excellence in Teaching
Perelman School of Medicine

Eugenia South

Eugenia South, MD, MSHP

Women of Color Award
University of Pennsylvania African-American Resource Center

aaron schwartz headshot

Aaron Schwartz, PhD

Local HeRO Award
Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center

harsha thirumurthy

Harsha Thirumurthy, PhD

Robert Suskind & Leslie Lewinter-Suskind Faculty Global Health Award
Perelman School of Medicine’s Center for Global Health

Woman giving a talk at a podium, CHIBE logo visible on the display screen in the background
Woman holding a remote clicker giving a talk at a podium
Woman in Penn logo t-shirt and a man posing next to a trifold presentation mounted on an easel
Man in silhouette gesturing beside a large screen displaying an infographic during a presentation


CHIBE is the leading scientific organization using behavioral economics to improve health. Drawing on the expertise of faculty from across the University of Pennsylvania and beyond, CHIBE conducts behavioral economics research aimed at reducing the burden of disease from major public health challenges and seeking to advance health equity worldwide. 

Our mission is to advance the science of applied behavioral economics in pursuit of knowledge, interventions, and policies that lead to higher-value health care, equal access to health care, and healthier lives for all.

We work with a variety of health systems, health plans, public service organizations, and NGOs. See just a few of our partners below.

Penn Medicine logo
Independence Blue Cross logo
american heart association logo
HMSA logo
Indlela logo
City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health logo
Progressive logo
Humana logo

CHIBE receives project-specific funding from foundation, corporate, and federal sponsors. Diversification of our portfolio has been a strategic priority over the past several years, and we have been successful in securing funding from several commercial entities and foundations. In addition, CHIBE receives support from the University of Pennsylvania Health System and the Perelman School of Medicine that has enabled us to make strategic investments, strengthen our infrastructure, and support junior faculty and trainees. We thank all our funders for their support of our initiatives.

Pie chart showing a distribution among four color-coded areas: blue at 61%, green at 30%, cyan at 7%, black at 3%.


Total Grant Activity in Fiscal Year 2024









Group photo of CHIBE members at a retreat posing outdoors while wearing blue shirts with the Penn logo

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