VAntage Point: VA doctors seek to harness artificial intelligence to target care for sicker Veterans
From VAntage Point:
A few groups of VA researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to identify Veterans at high risk of hospitalization or death. That can help ensure these Veterans get the best care possible.
One potential approach was described in a recent article in the journal PLOS ONE. The research pinpointed subgroups of high-risk Veterans. The idea was to match patients with the right types of care, explains the study’s lead author, VA cancer physician and investigator Dr. Ravi Parikh.
His colleague, lead investigator Dr. Amol Navathe, a VA internal medicine physician and health economist, said, “Not only can this understanding of high-risk subgroups help doctors connect their patients with appropriate care strategies, but the knowledge can also support the development of improved VA care programs and strategies to target Veterans’ individual needs.”
Read the full story at VAntage Point.