AcademyHealth Honors CHIBE Members with its 2022 Awards

Congratulations to CHIBE-affiliated faculty member Atheendar Venkataramani, MD, PhD, who has won AcademyHealth’s Health Services Research Impact Award.
“His research, which combines insights from health economics, epidemiology, and clinical medicine, has focused on the impacts of economic opportunities and social programs on health over the life course. His work has frequently been cited in high-profile policy documents, including briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court, bills and testimony presented to both houses of Congress, and by leading private organizations such as the American Medical Association and American Public Health Association,” AcademyHealth wrote in its press release.

CHIBE Associate Director M. Kit Delgado, MD, MS, was also honored by AcademyHealth with its Publication-of-the-Year Award for his paper: “Comparative Effectiveness of an Automated Text Messaging Service for Monitoring COVID-19 at Home.” Other CHIBE authors on this paper, which was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, were David Asch, MD, MBA, and Mohan Balachandran, MA, MS.
“The study found that enrollment of outpatients with COVID-19 in an automated remote monitoring service (“COVID Watch”) was associated with reduced mortality. Within two weeks of the first COVID-19 case in the Penn Medicine health system, Penn Medicine’s Center for Health Care Innovation set up COVID Watch to help newly diagnosed patients with COVID-19 manage their illness at home using automated text messages and rapidly escalate care when needed,” the press release stated.
Read more about the awards and awardees on AcademyHealth’s website.