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CHIBE faculty are frequent contributors and sources in the media. Hear what they have to say in some of the latest news reports and blogs.

Dr Ravi Parikh Presents Groundbreaking BE-a-PAL Data on Default Palliative Care Referrals

June 2, 2024

Surgeons Are Closer to Predicting Which Patients Need Post-Surgery Opioids—and Which Ones Don’t

Penn LDI
February 7, 2024

Penn Medicine Doctor: ‘The Rapid Increase in Early Discharges’ of Patients With Opioid Additions ‘Is Alarming’

Patient Daily
December 7, 2023

Statins Reach More Patients With Pharmacist’s Orders

MedPage Today
November 14, 2023

US News: Most Folks Who Need Colon Cancer Screening Aren’t Reminded by Doctors

September 12, 2023

Penn Medicine News: Less Paperwork, More ‘Peoplework’: Penn Makes Health Care Easier

September 6, 2023

Northwestern University Feinberg News Center: Evaluating Implementation Strategies for Tobacco Use Treatment in Cancer Care

September 2, 2023

Health Care Has an ‘LMNO’ Problem

August 9, 2023

Penn Today: To Reduce Medical Errors, Connect Doctors With Other Doctors

August 3, 2023

Time: A Hive Mind of Doctors Can Mean Better Care for Patients

July 26, 2023

Freethink: AI Helps Terminal Cancer Patients Make the Most of Their Final Days

May 10, 2023

New York Times: Your Next Hospital Bed Might Be at Home

January 26, 2023

Gut Talk: Health Care Innovation & Non-Traditional Care with Shivan Mehta, MD

January 25, 2023

HealthDay News: Clinician Nudge Ups Initiation of Statin Prescribing in Primary Care

December 1, 2022

Dr. Kit Delgado Named Director of the Penn Medicine Nudge Unit

October 3, 2022

Healthcare Innovation: Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel on Why He’s Plunged Into the Deep End of the Pool on MD Behavior Change

August 12, 2022