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    CHIBE offers several resources: funding opportunities, information about how to join our community as a trainee or affiliated faculty member, and educational information for those wanting to learn more about the field of behavioral economics. Learn more about all of our opportunities below.

    Funding Opportunities

    Interested in applying behavioral economics principles to critical health issues? Our Center invites proposals from affiliated faculty for two programs: the Roybal Pilot Program and the Quartet Pilot Program.

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    Attendees sitting at tables and listening to speaker at Penn-CMU Roybal Retreat

    Career Opportunities

    Learn more about how to become a CHIBE trainee or affiliated faculty member and the benefits that come with those associations. Also, see if we have any current job openings available.

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    People walking on the University of Pennsylvania's locust walk

    Education Opportunities

    There are a number of courses at the University of Pennsylvania that can further education, training, and career development in behavioral economics and how it can be applied to health.

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    Attendees sitting at tables and listening to speaker at Penn-CMU Roybal Retreat

    Collaborate with Us

    Interested in collaborating with CHIBE on a project? Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can work together.