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Dr. Mehta Wins ACTS Distinguished Investigator Award


Shivan Mehta standing outside next to flowering tree

Congratulations to CHIBE-affiliated faculty member Shivan Mehta, MD, MBA, for winning the Distinguished Investigator award for Translation from Proof of Concept to Widespread Clinical Practice from the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS).

ACTS noted this award recognizes “achievement in the realm of implementation and dissemination of translational solutions to illness and clinical problems.”

“Our team has run over 30 pragmatic clinical trials in areas such as cancer screening, vaccination, and remote monitoring,” Dr. Mehta said in an acceptance video. “Through partnership with clinical operations, we have shown that behaviorally informed approaches such as opt-out framing, effort reduction, and text navigation can be rapidly scaled resulting in thousands of additional patients receiving preventive care.”

Dr. Mehta is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Associate Chief Innovation Officer at Penn Medicine.