Dr. Christina Roberto Earns Tenure

Congratulations to Christina Roberto, PhD, the Mitchell J. Blutt and Margo Krody Blutt Presidential Associate Professor of Health Policy, member of CHIBE’s leadership team, and Director of the PEACH Lab, who has earned tenure.
“In the short time since she has arrived at Penn, Dr. Roberto has created a remarkable body of scholarship on the epidemiological and behavioral aspects of food as well as on the effects of policy changes on how people eat,” Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy Chair Steven Joffe, MD, MPH, said. “She has established herself as a true international leader in these areas. I’m thrilled that the Perelman School of Medicine has chosen to recognize her excellence by promoting her to Associate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy with Tenure.”
“Getting tenure makes me reflect on how grateful I am for all the support and help along the way,” Dr. Roberto said. “I’ve been lucky to work with incredibly wise and generous mentors, wonderfully talented students and trainees, amazing collaborators, and phenomenally bright and hardworking staff. Together we have helped advance the science of chronic disease prevention and informed policies and programs to promote healthy eating habits. The world is making real progress on creating healthier food environments, but there is still much work to be done. I’m glad to be part of a team and department that pushes the science, strives to make the world better, and makes the job fun.”