CHIBE Associate Director Appointed to GAO’s Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
CHIBE Associate Director Amol Navathe, MD, PhD, has been appointed as a new member of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC).
Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), made the announcement in a press release on May 23, 2019.
“It is a great honor to serve as a new Commissioner on MedPAC,” Dr. Navathe said. “I’m thrilled to re-engage in public service to continue improving health care for Americans. This will build on our team’s work with innovative organizations like Hawaii Medical Services Association, the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Hawaii, and Advocate Health Care.”
Dr. Navathe and the other newly appointed member, Lawrence Casalino, MD, PhD, the Livingston Professor of Public Health and Chief of the Division of Healthcare Policy and Economics in the Weill Cornell Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, will serve until April 2022. To view the other commission members, click here.
“MedPAC is an important resource for Congress on Medicare issues,” Dodaro said in the press release. “I was very impressed by the caliber of the candidates interested in serving on the Commission. I would like to congratulate the new Commission members and thank the many highly-qualified individuals who applied this year.”
Dr. Navathe and the other Commissioners will advise Congress on issues affecting the Medicare program and will also analyze access to care, quality of care, among other issues affecting Medicare.
In addition to his post as associate director of CHIBE, Dr. Navathe is also an assistant professor of Medicine and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine; staff physician, CHERP, Philadelphia VA Medical Center; senior fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, The Wharton School; and co-editor-in-chief, HealthCare: Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation.
This news was covered by The Philadelphia Inquirer and India-West.