Leandro Carvahlo, PhD | HP X CHIBE Hybrid Research Seminar
February 09, 2023
| 12:00 pm ‐ 1:00 pm | Hybrid
- Leandro Carvalho, PhD — Economist at the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) and Assistant (Research) Professor of Economics, University of Southern California
Blockley Hall
1104 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Event Description
Genetics and Economic Success
Virtual: Attendees may attend virtually. Zoom link here.
Abstract: Does genetics influence one’s chances of economic success? I exploit randomness in the genetic transmission from parents to offspring to estimate causal genetic effects. I investigate how the causal relationship between genetics and income emerges.
CHIBE, Health Policy